Thursday, September 27, 2007

Heroes Continued

Well I've now finished the 3rd through 6th discs from Season 1 of Heroes. This show has me hooked and still wanting more. The last disc is in the mail so I can't wait to see how the first season will come to an end.

Some notes since last I wrote on this. My favorite character the power borrower, Peter, has come into his own over the last few episodes and it looks like my deepest fear of him becoming a bad guy might have been for naught based on some of the Future time episodes.

Hiro is still up there but think I've got him falling to 2nd on my favorite Heroes character. He rocks plus his dad is played by Sulu from Star Trek, George Takei. Also, when reading up on the actor that plays him he's worked for a very cool company....ILM on such movies as Star Wars Episodes I-III and Pirates of the Caribbean. As for his character he is still one of the main drivers of the story line and doesn't look to be ending anytime soon. His ability to manipulate the space\time continuum will keep the story moving. Afterall if it wasn't for his warning of "Save the Cheerleader, Save the World!" things would not have moved as much as they have.

It was a sad time when "Nuke" man got his brain tapped by the main Villian of the series Sylar. I liked him because he was a little unbalanced and threw a loop into things which is perfect! But now we got two other "Nukers" out there. Well there's Sylar of course due to the brain buffet mentioned earlier and my favorite character Peter. Peter and Sylar are two very similar characters as far as powers go but how they do it is completely different. Peter can pick up powers just by being near another "special" person. Sylar on the other hand likes to take them apart to see how they "tick" thus ending their life but he's then able to absorb their abilities. Currently it's tough to get a estimate of how many powers they each have. I think they will have another big confrontation but I think either Hiro or the Cheerleader will finally get Sylar.

Well back to watching the last disc once it get's here and then I can watch Season 2 as it goes this year. I'll write more in the near future.

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