Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well a while ago a friend of mine, Mikey, mentioned I should catch a television show called Heroes. So it's my latest addition to the NetFlix list. We'll I watch the first 6 episodes on disc 1 and 2 and I can't find enough good things to say about this show. So far the story and characters seem really well thought out and that the writers already know how the show will end and are just merely working their way there with lots of twists and turns. The time travel really makes it feel this way. Hopefully they will follow continue on in the same fashion so as not to just drag out the story line too long. I really like the feel of it. It's like a comic come to life but is more realistic then the comic world. The premise of the show is similar to the premise in the X-men movies where mutation has given rise to powers in humankind. You've got the time altering Hiro, the regenerating Cheerleader, the Heroin addicted Fortunetelling Artist, the flying politician, the split personality slaughterer of a single mom, the telepath and the power borrower who wants so bad to be a Hero. So far the characters that I'm liking the most is non-English speaking Hiro and the power borrower. Hiro just rocks as he's a Japanese Nerd who thinks he should be able to stop time and does. Then happens to travel across the Space and Time continuum to see what will happen. Later he shows up speaking english and from the future wearing a nice looking sword! I can't wait to see how he get's to that point. The power borrower I like but feel like I'm being setup here to take the fall as he seems a little too anxious in wanting to be a hero and not living up to his expectations early. Seem to be a character that is being setup to slip to become a Villain. Much like Anakin Skywalker, Jacen Solo, Pyro etc.. were pulled to become Villains. But none the less he's one of the main story drivers along with Hiro right now which might be why I favor them more. Well I'm waiting anxiously for the next two discs to show up in the mail.

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