Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Back Online and Ready to Write

Well it's been longer then I thought since Last I wrote on this site. Well a lot has happened since last we met.

Let's see you already know our house sold very fast and has since completed. One thing you may or not know is that we also in that time span purchased a Townhouse in the Bay Area for what we feel is a great deal. We're upgrading footage but lowering the number of bedrooms. Only snag is it isn't ready until August 21st. So we had to scramble get the movers to now store things for like 2 months and to find temporary housing. Luckily we found out that my wife's company was going to foot the bill for the storage and the temp housing which was huge and a dramatic change from what they had said before.

The movers showed up on the 25th and started the packing process. They were in luck as my wife had done a ton of pre-packing for them. Which was also lucky for us as it saved us some money. Then on the 26th of June the movers packed the last of it and we took off in our overloaded vehicles for the long trek down to the Bay Area. The first day we were just heading to my Grandparents place who were just about the half-way point and gave us a good excuse to visit them since it had been a while. The first leg of the trip went by without much excitement other then the guy biting it ahead of us on the road. Didn't see it actually happen but did see them pass us then probably less then a 1/4 mile he bit the dust in the road. He could get up and stand not necessarily meaning he was OK. Gees who's OK after hitting the ground doing 75+ MPH. But as 5-6 cars had already pulled over and were helping him out and since we hadn't seen the actual accident we kept going. We had a nice diner and breakfast with my Grandparents then headed off for the second leg of the trip. This one went really uneventful until we go to the temporary housing we had. Now that was an adventure. First thing that struck me as odd was the place didn't know to expect us and never asked for ID or anything. Strange yes? Well guess that's how the service we were using works. So anyway we get the keys after they had to make a set for us then headed into the garage to unload the cars. Well we try the key in the apartment and wouldn't you know it they didn't work. So my wife headed back to the office and got a different set of keys. So we then try those and they work. Great right not so fast there people! We open the door and there's stuff in the apartment already. Yeah we were getting a furnished apartment but I don't think clothes and jackets are part of that deal. Oops something isn't right here. So the Wife call the company we're going through finds out the had re-assigned us to another apartment in the complex, luckily would have sucked if we had to go somewhere else as it was getting late. So we got those keys and got in and this looked much better. Well after that was over we unloaded the cars and got everything in here. That took some time then we had to unpack everything. So now we're here....... or are we...

Well the next day the 28th I'm on a plane pack to Portland for work for 5 long days. Short end of the stick we were doing an upgrade and it didn't necessarily go very smoothly. I got back home and worked out of the apartment until the 13th when I went on Vacation. Well "Vacation" was better then working but still I was working at least an hour a day if not more until the glorious last day arrived the 27th of July!! Whoot the end of my 12 years with my company. It was a great feeling but at the same time a very sad moment as I was leaving behind many good co-workers that I enjoyed talking to and working with. The biggest hit I had was my office mate who I've known for my entire 12 years with the company. She I will miss the most but luckily we're friends as well as fellow employees so hopefully that relationship stays in contact.

Well that brings us up to date as far as what's happened so far in my life since last I wrote.

Stay tuned for more posting in the very near future.

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