Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Long absense

Well I haven't posted anything in quite some time well that's because of everything that is going on in my life. Selling house, buying house, trying to wrap everything up at work etc....

Well once things calm down I'll once again start posting but it will probably stay a barren waste land for the next month or two due to the above shackling updates.


Anonymous said...

So noted! Good luck with all the transition chaos and see B! soon....


Anonymous said...

... yeah, see Crushy out there! Take lots of breaks and try not to stress it out too much. These things have a way of working themselves out.

Ms Eva said...

You found a house in SF?? Congrats! You'll have to post photos of your new place. :)

Kaboda said...

No my friend we have not found a house yet. Though we are going to try hard this weekend. We have looked at probably close to like 75+ properties in total so far with the Wife doing the most looking so far. So we have a good base. This weekend though is going to be "Buy or Rent" weekend. Basically at this point we'll have to make the call to buy something or else we're going to have to rent a place as we're out of our house the last week of June. Well a report shall be filed when we get back.