Saturday, July 19, 2008

First Week Of Stay At Home Dad

Well the first "week" of being a Stay At Home Dad has come to a close. Well guess it was more like three days really versus five. Anyway, semantics aside let's get into how the week went.

The Wife returned to work for the first time in about 4 months this last Tuesday. So it was to be my first time being alone with my son for more then just a few hours. Heck it was the first time either of us has. Anyway, currently our sun is sleeping through the night most nights. He goes to bed between 8:30pm and 10:30pm and getting up around 4:30am and 7:30am most days. However, sometimes he gets up a bit earlier. He's also only napping most times between feedings for about 45 minutes to 2 hours. His daytime sleeping is still mostly in our arms as he doesn't always go down in his bassinet during the day without waking up within 10-15 minutes. He eats about every 2 to 3 hours during the day and he lets you know when it's time with that good set of lungs he got! Well that's the background on where things are with him now.

The first day for me was more an issue with it being in my head that "oh know it's my first time alone all day without any help". That made me a bit antsy and worrisome to start out with which made me a bit tired very quickly. However, my son was so good that day for the most part that it all went rather smoothly with the exception where I scared him into a blood curling scream. I figured out in the middle of the day that you tend to take on the temperament of your kid. I was changing him when he had been crying for the last 10 minutes or so when I went to "shh" him. Unfortunately due to being amped up it came out about 20x the volume I would have like to have used. D'oh! Well that scream just made me feel like such an ass for doing it that I got a wee bit depressed. Not quite as bad as the day I nipped him with the finger nail clippers but still it was a big bummer that on my first day I caused my kid to scream bloody murder. The Wife came home around 3pm which is way earlier then her normal time used to be.

The next two days went really well other then some minor crying, which was usually over being tired or hungry which is understandable, things went real smoothly. The Wife came home around 4pm each day so it was better then I thought as she used to not come home until around 7pm most days. As it was also her first "week" being away from her child I think she came home not only to make it easier on me but also she was missing him.

On Friday she decided to work from home which made the day a real breeze as there were two of us there again for the day. So for things that come up if I needed it she was there to help. I'm grateful for her taking that day off as it gave me a rather easy first "week"

We'll see how the next week goes!

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