Thursday, June 19, 2008

2 Months and Counting

Well it's been 2 months plus now and the kid is packing on the weight! Below is a picture taken on his two month milestone with Mom.

He is sleeping by himself a lot more now. Some nights are better then others though. One night we'll get a nice 3 or 4 hour sleep window which makes us feel real good. But the norm is usually that long sleep happens early evening instead. D'oh! Most nights we'll get a hour maybe two out of him. Which for Dad isn't that good since it takes me an hour or more to fall asleep. I've always had problems getting to sleep unless I was just completely exhausted and even then sometimes it takes a while. Mom on the other hand drops off to sleep as soon as the head hits the pillow. Damn that makes me envious! So for me it's usually a little sleep through the night until morning when Mom takes him downstairs then Dad gets a nice long sleep. Thank you Honey!

He's also started to become real fussy. If he's not eating or sleeping he's usually Mr. Grump with the exception of a few windows of time where he'll play. The last few days, he just got shots for his 2 month Well Baby which might be causing this new behavior, he screams bloody-murder when you set him down to unwrap him. We're really hoping this phase goes quickly. The doctor said usually the fussiness like this will go away after 2 and half months or so. We can only hope.

All these things make me a bit worried as the day is soon approaching of Mom heading back to work and me being home alone. It's real nice now with the exception of errands and appointments we're both around to deal with the Munchkin. Soon though it will be the Gelfling and Dad show. Hopefully we can get a good sleep schedule set by then and get him into his room at night, well I have to convince the Wife on that one. This will help both me and the Wife. Me so I'm good to go come the morning time and for the Wife so she's not dead tired at work. I can at least get in some cat naps during the day when he sleeps so not too bad if I don't get that much sleep. The good thing is he'll be 3 months by the time she goes back to work so hopefully we get things somewhat set into a pattern by then.

Well until next time enjoy the following pictures of me and my Son.

Dad and Son catching some Zs

Dad catching a uppercut to the old noggin!

1 comment:

Ms Eva said...

Sweet! You'll become more and more comfortable being on your own as the days go by. Just go with the flow and try to work errands, etc. around his schedule. You'll find what works in time.