Monday, March 3, 2008

Baby Shower PDX Edition

My Wife's good friend threw a baby shower for her and many of our family and friends in the Portland, Oregon area.

My friend Dawg picked us up at the airport and we started the weekend off right with a great meal at Fat City. Hmmm do I miss the food from back home. Note the food will be a common thing for the weekend not as much as I wanted but enough to satisfy me of some of my cravings. The Wife then went to her hair appointment with her stylist up in the area while the Dawg and I headed back to the house to relax a little. The Dawg and I went and saw the movie No Country For Old Men. I was really disapointed in this film. While cinamatography for the film was elegant and epic the story and acting was just so sub par I don't even know where I'd begin bashing this flick. I don't see why it's getting such a huge response. But did provide some levity in the sense when talking to my friend Bar trying to plan out the next day we told him that we felt that Rambo had a chance at being the better film. So bad but it just might be true.

The day of the shower the Dawg and I waited with his son for Bar and Wrench to show up. After that Bar, Wrench and I went to stop by the shower so I could make sure to see my Mom, Grandma and my old co-worker. I also got to see a few other people that made it totally worth sticking around until the shower was about to start. Then it was off to Fire On the Mountain in order to get my fix of their heavenly wings and especially their Spicy Peanut Wing Sauce. Hmm just thinking about it is making me go all Homer Simpson on the keyboard! Hmmmmmm Spicy Peanut Wing Sauce........ After an evening of some game action back at the house Bar, Dawg and I went off to see Rambo. And yes after coming out of that movie the Dawg and I both agreed it was better then No Country For Old Men.

The next day we met up for some breakfast with the Wife's Father, Step-Mother, Brother, Sister-in-law and our Nephew. Man he's getting so big now. Hadn't seen him since Thanksgiving and boy has he grown.

1 comment:

Ms Eva said...

I'm glad that you got a chance to get some good Oregon grub. I'm sorry we didn't get the opportunity to see you - the weather had just been so horrible.

Will you be coming up for Easter Feaster? I imagine that the Dr. will say 'No Flying' at this point, though.