Sunday, June 1, 2008

Been awhile but...

Well it's been a while again since my last post but this time it's with good reason. On April 13, 2008 at 4:23 AM the wife and I welcomed our Son into the world. The weeks leading up to this big event and after have prevented me from doing any posting. Things are settling down around here again so there should not be as many interruptions as there have been recently.

Anyway back to the exciting news! He weighed in at 8lbs even and measured a length of 20 1/2 inches. The birth process went rather smoothly I think the wife might have a different view. She started having contractions around noon or so on the due date. We ended up in the hospital around 8pm or so. Then at 4:23 am he joined us out in the real world kicking and screaming. Boy did he kick. He kicked the nurse while she was trying to do his initial checks. He also loved grabbing on. There was some tubing on the table which he reached over his head to grab and then reeled in hand over fist. Also, when they brought him over to mom he grabbed her IV which sent a few hands darting in to make sure he couldn't yank it out. After a couple of days in the hospital it was off to the house. Below is the first family picture taken on our way out.

My Mother showed up about two weeks before he was born and stayed two weeks afterwards. She was a big help before, during and after. It was all greatly appreciated. My Mother-in-law made it down a week after he was born and between her and my mom they were able to help us out immensely that second week. If it wasn't for them not sure how well we would have made it through those first two weeks.

We also got a visit from my Father-in-law and his wife the same time that my Mother-in-law showed up. So the little man got to see many of his grandparents very early on which was great.

All in all the whole birthing process was not so bad but the weeks afterwards were real tough with the lack of sleep that was going on. It's gotten better and better as time has gone on. The last few days have been good for the most part. He's taking to sleeping on his own a little better now. But he's just a bit more crankier then he's ever been in between feedings and sleep.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kaboda!

Grats on the bundle of joy there! Glad to hear that the sleeping is getting better (of rall of you!).

I'm looking forward to meeting the littel guy.


Ms Eva said...

Welcome little guy! Before you know it, you'll be gaming with the big boys. :D

Hugs to all!